Purpleheart Decking

Purpleheart Decking

Purpleheart Decking Benefits

A Desirable Choice for Outdoor Applications

Durability: Purpleheart is a dense and durable hardwood, which makes it highly resistant to rot, decay, and insect damage. It has a natural resistance to moisture and is known for its exceptional strength and longevity. Purpleheart decking can withstand heavy foot traffic and exposure to various weather conditions without significant wear or damage.

Natural Beauty: Purpleheart is renowned for its rich purple to reddish-brown color, which darkens over time to a deep, lustrous purple hue. Purpleheart will weather to a beautiful silver-gray patina, but it can also be maintained with periodic cleaning and oiling if you prefer to maintain its original lustrous purple hue. It adds a unique and luxurious aesthetic to outdoor spaces, making it a visually appealing choice for decking. The vibrant color of purpleheart can enhance the overall appearance of the deck and create an eye-catching focal point.

Low Maintenance: Purpleheart decking requires minimal maintenance compared to other types of wood decking. Its natural density and hardness contribute to its resistance against warping, splintering, and cracking. With proper installation and occasional cleaning, purpleheart decking can maintain its beauty and structural integrity for many years.

We Offer Custom-Cut & Cut-to-Spec Timbers

We Offer Custom-Cut & Cut-to-Spec Timbers

Eco-Friendly Decking for Natural Resistance & Stability

Purpleheart is naturally resistant to water absorption and decay. It does not require regular sealing or treatment with chemical preservatives to protect against moisture damage. This makes it a suitable choice for outdoor applications where exposure to rain, humidity, and UV rays is a concern.

Eco-Friendly: Purpleheart is a sustainably harvested hardwood. It comes from well- managed forests and is often sourced from regions with responsible forestry practices. Choosing purpleheart decking supports the use of environmentally friendly materials and promotes the conservation of tropical forests.

Strength and Stability: Purpleheart has excellent dimensional stability, meaning it maintains its shape and size under varying climatic conditions. It has a high density, making it resistant to bending and warping. This strength and stability make purpleheart decking a reliable choice for areas with heavy use or where a sturdy structure is required.

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Tips on Working With Purpleheart

It's worth noting that while purpleheart offers numerous advantages, there are also some considerations to keep in mind. Its dense nature makes it challenging to work with, and it may require specialized tools and techniques during installation. Additionally, the vibrant purple color of purpleheart may fade over time when exposed to sunlight, although this can be mitigated by applying a UV-protective finish or periodic maintenance.

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